All content copyright © 2009 Benjamin Kilborne. Web design copyright © 2009

For copies of the published papers and book chapters, please contact

Benjamin Kilborne. Nominal fees for copying and postage.

Publications Accessible Below. Others by request.

Curriculum Vitae

Shame, Tragedy and Oedipus

1987 On Classifying Dreams.pdf [In] Dreaming: anthropological and psychological interpretation ed. Barbara Tedlock. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1992 Fields of Shame (revised).pdf [In] Anthropology after Freud (ed. David Spain. New York" Psyche Press.

1995 Of Creatures Large and Small.pdf Psychoanalytic Quarterly 64:672-690.

1995 Truths that Cannot Go Naked.pdf Psychiatry 58:278-297.

1997 The Hunting of the Red-faced Snark.pdf [In] eds. Lanksy and Morrison. The Widening Scope.

1998 Ferenczi, Regression and Shame.pdf Int. Forum Psychoanalysis 7:225-228.

1999 Wrestling with Proteus.pdf Psychoanalytic Inquiry. 19(3) 362-372.

1999 The Disappearing Who; Kierkegaard, shame and the self.pdf [In] Scenes of Shame; psychoanalysis and writing (eds. Joseph Adamson and Hilary Clark). Albany: SUNY Press  

2001 le “Nourisson Savant” de Ferenczi et la Honte Oedipienne.pdf. Le Coq Heron 167:60-64.

2003 Oedipal Shame; in These Pages...Ferenczi, Regression and Shame.pdf The American Journal of Psychoanalysis 63(4) 2003.

2004 Superego Dilemmas.pdf Psychoanalytic Dialogues 24(2) 175-182.

2005 Shame Conflicts and Tragedy in The Scarlet Letter.pdf Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Assn. 53(2).

2007 The Importance of Shame in Clinical Work.pdf Round Robin (American Psychological Assn.) vol. XXII (2) 2007.

2007 Shame, Empathy, and Analytic Training The Candidate Vol. 2 No. 1.

2008 Human Foibles and Psychoanalytic Technique.pdf American Journal of Psychoanalysis. 20:1 201-23.

2008 A Conversation.pdf. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 189-194.

2008 The Evil Eye, Envy, and Shame.pdf Ed. Wurmser & Jaress, NY, Analytic Press.

2011 Trauma and the Wise Baby.pdf  The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2011, 71 (185-206).

2013 Trauma and the Unconscious.pdf The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2014, 74, (4-20).

2019 On Dreams, Imaginative Knowing And Not Knowing.pdf The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2019, 79 (1-16).

2022 Tragic Incomprehension - envy, shame and trauma.pdf

Russian translation and publication.

Uno sguardo sulla vergogna Funzione Gamma, Italian.


1981 Pattern, Structure and Style in Anthropological Studies of Dreams.pdf Ethos 9(2) 165-185

1983 As in a Dream.pdf Dreamworks III(4), 281-293.

1983 Dream Symbolism in Artemidoros.pdf Dreamworks 4:204-207.

1987 On Classifying Dreams.pdf [In] Dreaming: anthropological and psychological interpretation ed. Barbara Tedlock. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1987 “Dreams” The Macmillan Encyclopedia of Religion (ed. Mircea Eliade).pdf New York: Macmillan.

1990 Ancient and Native Peoples' Dreams.pdf [In] ed. S. Krippner Dreamtime.

2003 Dreams, Katharsis and Anxiety.pdf The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2003, 73 (121-137).

2019 On Dreams, Imaginative Knowing and not knowing: appearance, identity and shame.pdf American Journal of Psychoanalysis 79 (pp. 1-16.pdf)

Dissecting Dick Cheney’s Dream New Republic: NPR.

The Mind’s Eye #6: What is a Dream? See Video


1980-81 Le Sauvage et l'Homme.pdf L’Ethographie, 243-251.

1982 Anthropological Thought in the wake of the French Revolution.pdf  La Societe des observateurs de l‘homme. European Journal of Sociology XXIII, 73-91.

1992 Psychoanalysis, Illusion and Our Humanistic Tradition (Horney, Jan 08).pdf [In] Positivism and its Vicissitudes: the role of faith in the social sciences. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences (pp.352-370)

1992 Positivism and its vicissitudes: The  role of Faith in the social sciences.pdf

Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 28 (pp.352-370)

Trauma and Ferenczi

1999 When Trauma Strikes the Soul, shame, splitting, and psychic pain.pdf. American Journal of Psychoanalysis vol 59:385-400.

2008 The Evil Eye, Envy, and Shame.pdf Ed. Wurmser & Jaress, NY, Analytic Press.

2008 Human Foibles and Psychoanalytic Technique.pdf American Journal of Psychoanalysis. 20:1 201-23.

1998 Ferenczi, Regression and Shame.pdf Int. Forum Psychoanalysis 7:225-228.

2001 Quando il trauma colpisce l’anima:vergogna, scissione et dolore psichico. pdf (In) eds Carlo Bonomi Franco Borgogno La catastrofe e i suoi simboli: Il contributo di Sandor Ferenczi alla teoria psicoanalitica del trauma. UTET.

2001 le “Nourisson Savant” de Ferenczi et la Honte Oedipienne.pdf. Le Coq Heron 167:60-64.

2011 Trauma and the Wise Baby.pdf  The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2011, 71 (185-206).


1980 Le Sauvage et L’Homme.pdf L’Ethographie, 243-251.

1981 Pattern, Structure and Style in Anthropological Studies of Dreams.pdf Ethos 9(2) 165-185

1987 On Classifying Dreams.pdf [In] Dreaming: anthropological and psychological interpretation ed. Barbara Tedlock. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1992 Positivism and its vicissitudes: The  role of Faith in the social sciences.pdf

Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 28 (pp.352-370)

2006 Anthropology and the Human Imagination. Journal of European Psychoanalysis. 23:129-139

2006 L'Antropologia e l'Immaginazione Umana.pdf


2003 Dreams, Katharsis and Anxiety. The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2003, 73 (121-137).

Review of Freeman: humor in psychoanalysis.pdf

1992 Psychoanalysis, Illusion and Our Humanistic Tradition (Horney, Jan 08).pdf [In] Positivism and its Vicissitudes: the role of faith in the social sciences. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences (pp.352-370)

1992 Positivism and its vicissitudes: The  role of Faith in the social sciences.pdf

Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 28 (pp.352-370)

Children’s Journals

1989 Speak of the Devil; witchcraft in Europe.  Faces 6(1) pp. 4.

1989 Alchemy, golden heart of the matter.pdf Faces 6(3) 34-37.

Reviews (sample)

Review of Freeman: humor in psychoanalysis.pdf

Review: Anthropology, Ancestors and Heirs

MONSIEUR PAMPLEMOUSSE ALOFT A Gastronomic Mystery by Michael Bond Fawcett/Columbine.

2005 The Ego and Analysis of Defense Book Review.pdf


2001 Quando il trauma colpisce l’anima:vergogna, scissione et dolore psichico. pdf (In) eds Carlo Bonomi Franco Borgogno La catastrofe e i suoi simboli: Il contributo di Sandor Ferenczi alla teoria psicoanalitica del trauma. UTET.

2006 L'Antropologia e l'Immaginazione Umana.pdf

2011 Uno sguardo sulla vergogna.pdf

2022 Uno sguardo sulla vergogna Funzione Gamma, Italian.


1980 Le Sauvage et l'Homme L’Ethographie, 243-251.

2002 L'Apparence et l'Identité Sens public Revue électronique internationale,

2001 le “Nourisson Savant” de Ferenczi et la Honte Oedipienne.pdf Le Coq Heron 167:60-64.

video apparence et l’iddentité

Russian (Russian translation and publication, see also under Books)

2001 Russian.pdf

2022 Tragic Incomprehension - envy, shame and trauma.pdf  Russian translation.

Download Articles in Russian by Benjamin Kilborne:



2023 Editor and Introduction to Selected Papers of Sandor Ferenczi

2023 Introduction to Clinical Diary of Sandor Ferenczi

(Russian translation)


(see under Books)


Emotion, Culture, Moral Socialization.pdf Korean.


Tanulmányok.pdf Hungarian.